Pest Update: 3-30-16

Scale insect update.

GREEDY SCALE:  As promised, I've been monitoring greedy scale infestations so that I can alert you all when their crawlers hatch.  If you remember, with these greedy scale (an armored scale), the best time to treat them is when their eggs hatch and the crawlers emerge.  The crawler stage is short (just a few days) and is when these scale insects are most susceptible to treatment.  

I have three locations that I'm monitoring for greedy scale: one north in Bandon, one in between Bandon and Langlois, and one south of Langlois.

I took samples of greedy scale from each location Monday, March 28.  No sign of crawlers yet.  However, the females seem to be pretty large, so I'm placing some monitoring traps out this week.  I'm trying out a couple of different crawler monitoring trap designs ... the goal is to have one that will be easy for you guys to use.  I'll keep you posted.

BROWN SOFT SCALE:  For those who treated with insecticidal soap in the past month or so, my monitoring indicates that it was fairly successful.  Continue to monitor your beds.  Spend 3 minutes or so doing a visual inspection of an infested area.  If your BSS infestation was fairly heavy, you should expect to need to treat again.  Remember: chemigation with M-Pede is not allowed according to the label.  You should spot spray.  And BE CAREFUL ... the vines are really starting to wake up - M-Pede can be phytotoxic.


I've posted pictures of both kinds of scale in the photo gallery.  

