Oregon SLN & Supp. Labels
Zeus XC Zeus XC SLN
Stinger -- through December 31, 2027
There was a registrant name change. So we have two SLNs for Stinger. The one you need depends on whether your Stinger container has a Dow label or a Corteva label. Dow_Stinger SLN
Curio -- through December 31, 2027
You are required to sign a waiver of liability (required by NuFarm) before you use Curio on your beds. You should be able to get a waiver from your pesticide distributor, along with a copy of the SLN (which you should also have on hand). Or you can contact Cassie at the Extension office and she'll get the appropriate documents for you. Curio SLN
Vaquero -- through December 31, 2029